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New Freebie for October!

Hello, internet land!

Are you all enjoying the start of fall? I know I am 😀 I’m so glad it’s finally October. I’m working on a lot of projects that I’m hoping to share with you in the coming weeks, and the weather down here in Florida is slowly getting more bearable.

Last week I had another giveaway for my Nyan-Cat Quilt to celebrate a pageview milestone that went really well! Looking at the numbers, it might be a little while before the next giveaway, so at least it will give me a good long time to come up with something great to give away! Here are the stats:
DeviantArt pageviews: 124,969/150,000 = 83%
DeviantArt watchers: 4,396/5,000 = 88%
Facebook likes: 1,457/2,000 = 73%
Tumblr followers: 759/1,000 = 76%
Wordpress followers: 1,385/2,000 = 69%

But onto the patterns! The newest free pattern I’m giving away for October is this little Shrimp Tempura Plush!

This one is really simple but classic – just a little plush made to look like a plump tempura shrimp. I’m most of us have had tempura or at least fried shrimp at some point. Of course tempura is a bit different because it uses a completely different batter that, when fried perfectly, results in a finish that’s perfectly crispy and non-greasy. I know in my personal culinary efforts I have yet to perfect my deep frying technique, so I know it’s something I’ll have to keep trying at x3

You can get the pattern for this plush by signing up for email updates (found in the submission box on the right side of the page below the search bar). If you have trouble signing up, you can check out more info at the main Monthly Crafting Challenge page, the FAQ, or by emailing me. Also, bonus! for today only I’m offering both this pattern and the one from September when you sign up. After today though, the prize is just this guy 🙂 Though you can also purchase the older pattern through my Etsy if you’re too late.

If you’ve already signed up for emails, that’s where the challenge comes in. You can get this pattern if you make one of the projects from this blog, my books, or my Etsy then email me or message the finished project to my Facebook where I have a really awesome collection going of your creations! Keep it up every month and you’ll get a new free pattern, so don’t forget to check back during November to see the newest creation!

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